Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Chicago Adventure (round one)

As I write this Jeannie has already had her first treatment at the CDH Proton Center in Chicago (which is is Warrenville). It was great flying weather for March and we're really hoping and praying that we continue to have great flying weather on Mondays and Fridays. So keep those hopes and prayers coming :) Otherwise we're talking about some drive time here.

The flights are provided by Jeannie's cousin Thom and his fast little Piper Cherokee Dakota. It takes about two hours one way, which is way faster than commercial when you take into account the time you'd have wrapped up in driving to airports, going through security, etc. DuPage Airport is an easy drive to the Proton Center. It's a beautiful little airport that beats the pants off flying into Midway or O'Hare. And that we have someone with a plane who is a great pilot and so willing to help. Well, thankful doesn't begin to describe. In the picture below that's Thom in the plane stowing some gear with Jeannie standing outside waiting to climb into the back. (I'm the guy behind the camera).

So now the long weeks begin with us counting the days until the weekend. In all our years together we've never been apart for more than a night at a time, maybe two. We're counting on the benefits far outweighing the sacrifices. I'm still explaining this part to Tillie and Rose, who aren't the least bit amused about their separation from the best human being in the world.

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