Friday, June 16, 2017

Just a little off from our normal diet

We’re continuing on with our “Enjoy Every Minute” motto.  So last weekend we had dinner with Jake and his family at Natalie’s Coal Fired Pizza.  We’ve been thinking/talking about our dinner ever since.  What a nice evening spent with family and some really great pizza.  We can’t wait to go back.  Jake also introduced us to the meditation of Vinny Ferraro we’re going to be listening this weekend.

My Oncology appointment was Monday and the only way to describe it is, “Houston, we have a problem”.  My cancer has definitely spread.  It is pervasive in my liver, possibly in my lumbar spine and left femur bone.  Some of the contrast shows that it could be in my brain also…but that is yet another test.  I’ve been offered all sorts of poisonous chemical brews, I started to list the names and side effects here but it turns my stomach to even think about it-let alone put it into writing.  We go through the same thing next week with Johnny and his Oncologist.

I know that sounds morose but we’re not giving up.  I’m meeting with my primary care doc, Dr. LeMay this week and then after the July 4th holiday Johnny & I will be meeting with a new member of our medical team, Dr. Eric Serrano.  We’re excited for this appointment-Dr. Eric is regarded highly by his peers.  He’s known for looking where other doctors don’t when it comes to common roadblocks in health and fitness.  He’s a details guy, and he makes you think about every aspect of your life and fitness.  There is no cure for us, but we’re hoping for a better quality of life than our Oncologists are offering.  I’ve gotten to know Dr. Eric over the past few months and he is genuinely one of the kindest, most thoughtful doctors I have ever met.  We won’t be making any final decisions on treatment until after our meeting with Dr. Eric.

And finally, this weekend is filled with work and getting ready for visitors. Mary Jo and Brian will be here next week and we are really looking forward to having them here. 

                                   HAPPY FATHERS DAY JOHNNY!
                                   From the dogs that drive you crazy,
                                   take up all the room in the bed,
                                   and test your sanity on a daily basis.
                                   And you know you love it!
                                              Rose & Tillie

1 comment:

  1. Happy Father's day, Johnny! Our thoughts and prayers are with you both, always! We love y'all!
