Friday, December 5, 2014

Appointments and still more appointments

This month marks a turning point in my treatment.  I’m starting the follow up phase of my cancer diagnosis seeing all of the doctors who treated me –Thursday was my Surgeon, Dr. Slam; Monday is Dr. Kanodia, and Friday I go to the Proton Center in Chicago to see my Radiation Oncologist Dr. Chang.

Everyone asks me what my doctors do to see if the cancer has returned.  And basically the answer is they don’t do anything – I know it’s a little surprising.  But unless there is metastatic disease there isn’t a lot they can monitor.  There are blood tests for tumor markers, but these can be elevated for reasons that have nothing to do with cancer.  And as a matter of fact, my tumor markers were in the normal range with Stage 3 Breast Cancer.  So there you have it.

So now you’re asking – Why are you going to all of these stupid appointments if they don’t even do anything?  They are checking for symptoms, the biggest ones being shortness of breath, headaches, weight loss, and pain.  (I have none of these).

I‘m hoping the end of this year will be the beginning of many Christmas gatherings not spent in the shadow of fear.  I want to conquer my demons and get on with my life.  The past few days have been incredibly heart wrenching as I’ve watched children at the Hospital and internet friends lose their battle with cancer.

But not to worry, I’m feeling great and since today is Photo Friday I’m going to do my work out, get my body pumped and take this week’s photo.  Thanks to all of you.  I feel your love, compassion and strength every day.

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