Friday, August 18, 2017

Ouch, stop that.

My health really took a nose dive this week.    Well, the last part of the week anyway. Wednesday I went to bed feeling good and Thursday when I awoke I had some abdominal pain.  As the morning went on the pain was never ending and increasing in intensity.  A scan on Tuesday indicated that I had a blood clot in my liver so the pain was scary.  As it  continued to get worse Johnny to me to the Emergency Department.  Amazingly we were able to get right in.  We did the usual, ID and birth date stuff then it was off for another abdominal scan and ultrasound.

The good news is that after a night in the hospital I do not have a blood clot in my liver.  The bad news, they have theories, but no one knows what caused the pain to come on so quickly. My poor liver is definitely enlarged. The most they could do was offer pain medication. And the pain is better than it was. Of course being in a hospital, I was urged to get started on chemotherapy. That's something I've been avoiding. We've both been avoiding it. Having both been through chemo before, we know just how draining  and debilitating it is. Just the same I've been in the process of shopping for a new oncologist. I'm meeting this coming week with a doctor who will offer some referrals. 

So, it’ll a quiet weekend here for us.  We're exhausted from sitting in my room for endless hours. By the way we were in the newest hospital operating in this area. It's really well designed, lots of open areas and natural light. Large private rooms with huge bathrooms. A staff trained to a fault to be upbeat and encouraging. And ya know what? The food was still terrible.  

On that note, a couple lighthouse pictures from our most recent New England visit.

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