Friday, August 5, 2016

Unnecessary excitement

Greetings everyone – it’s been one very wild week.  The Former Boyfriend is taking a little chemo vacation.  After his last treatment the nausea, tiredness and crappy feelings hung around longer than usual.  So we’re giving him an extra week for his body to recover and heal.
And during this time we’ve been waiting for the results of his latest CEA blood test.  Finally out of total frustration (mostly mine) Johnny called the Zangmenister Center to find out why the number had not been posted.  Apparently, even though the CEA test was ordered by his Oncologist, no one bothered to run it.  Sheesh!  So we’ll dig into why this was not handled along with why the necessary pre-certification for his chemo did not get done at our next meeting with the Oncologist.
When we do go for the next round of chemo it will be time for Johnny’s next scan. It's always a stressful and sleepless exercise whenever these scans come up and this time will be no different. We may not always be conscious of the stresses we're under but they are there nonetheless and no doubt will hover over the next few days.
And to add to our stressors, on Wednesday this is what I came home to!

Hilliard Police came and made a report, but we have no idea who broke in.  Several items were taken and the dogs were very freaked out but at least they are okay. I’ve spent the better part of the last two days trying to figure out all that is missing and making all the calls/emails/letters to financial institutions.  If they ever catch that guy…..
Anyway, hope you have a great weekend.  Love you all.

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