Friday, March 10, 2017

They voted no

This weeks news concerns the Tumor Review Board. I mentioned last week that they were going to take a look at how Johnny's case has progressed and whether he might be in line for some other treatments such as surgery. Well the results are in and the members of the board didn't think surgery would be in his best interests. Essentially they didn't think the potential benefits would outweigh the risks involved. That plus the high likelihood that the cancer would return even if eliminated surgically. I think I took this way harder than Johnny, since I'd love to see him get away from the awful ravages of chemotherapy. His comment was that he didn't honestly know if he'd want to go through surgery even if the board deemed it to be a good idea. At the same time he does plan to consult with a surgeon recommended by my surgeon.

As for the near future his oncologist plans on discussing some potential adjustments to the chemo regimen here in a few weeks (he won't be in the office for the chemo scheduled for this coming week). In their phone conversation Dr Segal mentioned the possibility of longer stretches between treatments or maybe oral chemo. Johnny says he'll listen but since what we're currently doing is working as well as it is he's hesitant to change. Longer stretches between treatments did catch his interest that's for sure. Plus many times oral chemo has you on treatment for two weeks and off for one. With the i.v. chemo every three weeks he feels crummy for a few days but then bounces back. 

Now that the weekend is here winter has returned. Yuk. We'd been so enjoying the warmer than normal temperatures that this slap of reality has been hard to take. So we'll spend the weekend hunkering down by the fire, reading and taking the girls for a somewhat more abbreviated walk than they'd like. Hope you all are warm and toasty this weekend too. 
At the park

Me and Tillie posing at the park

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