Friday, March 17, 2017

Something new to try

One of the great things about my position at the Hospital is that I have access to brilliant  researchers and virtually every research article written anywhere in the world.  But the bad part-there is that there are so many articles I need Watson to help me go through them.  I just stumbled upon a recent paper published in PLOS by Ajay Goel, Ph.D. Director of Epigenetics and Cancer Prevention at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, TX, it was published in 2014.  The study compares the effectiveness of curcumin-the active ingredient in turmeric to the chemo drug 5-FU (affectionately known as 5 Feet Under or Fu**-You).  5-FU is one of the drugs that Johnny receives in his intravenous infusions and it’s also the take home drug he gets in his two day “party pack”.

Anyway, the bottom line of the study is curcumin impedes cancer growth by inhibiting signaling proteins and blocking tumor cell promotion.  Curcumin has the ability to balance gene expression and positively influence anticancer pathways.  Translation:  Curcumin slows down and/or stops colon cancer growth and spread.  While I don’t believe we have the courage to forgo the poison, er… ah chemotherapy treatments, you can bet there will be turmeric somewhere in Johnny’s dinner tonight!

And boy did I have a very, very special lunch today.  My cousin Mike works just a few minutes from our home.  It’s been years since we have seen each other.  We didn’t have enough time to catch up (plans are underway to get together again), but it’s great when you can just pick up with a loved one and carry on like you had just talked last week.

Happy St. Patty’s Day to all!
At lunch with cousin Mike

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