Friday, March 24, 2017

Purple potatoes and unsatisfactory testing

This week has been frustrating and one big bummer.  Tuesday I met with my Oncologist at the Zangmeister Center.  I went in for routine blood work and the initial testing was all normal.  But on Wednesday Johnny received a call from Dr. Knoble’s nurse – and my liver enzymes are elevated.  It’s not clinically relevant at this point, but my liver is definitely showing signs of stress.  The worry of course is that elevated liver enzymes are the first sign of liver metastasis.  I’ll wait for a month and then go back in for another round of blood work.  There’s nothing I can do other than meditate and try to keep busy.

Two articles came up this week, one in Healthcorps and the other by the BBC.  Both referred to potatoes getting a bad rap these days with all of the low/no carb diets.  But the take-away from both articles is that if you aren’t using unhealthy cooking techniques like frying, potatoes are a very nutritious possibly cancer-fighting food.  Skin on is best since the skin contains nutrients and fiber.  Both of these studies recommended potatoes in a variety of colors with purple being the most advantageous.  I find most food research to be fourth rate and would fail most 7th grade science classes-but everything in moderation, so maybe this weekend Johnny & I will have some purple potatoes.

The good news is Johnny is doing great and enjoying a month of chemo free life.  We’re looking forward to family visits and starting to plan our summer RV trips.  Please keep the prayers coming.  Love you all!

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