Friday, March 3, 2017

Being your own advocate

With Johnny’s latest scans showing some positive results we’re now waiting on the Zangmeister Tumor Board to review his medical charts.  We’re guardedly optimistic that other treatment options may be available.  It’s scary, exciting, and exhausting all at the same time.  Pray for us and we’ll keep everyone updated.
As always, we emphasize being involved in our own healthcare.  Unfortunately, in this day and age, that means that you can’t completely trust your doctor.  Don’t get me wrong-we have wonderful doctors, but the overwhelming caseloads they take on to make a practice work makes it very easy for a doctor or anyone for that matter to overlook things.
It’s long past the time when anybody should put blind faith into any medical professional (trust me I’ve spent a lot of time in Hospitals) or treat their words with reverence.  The very best advice I received when diagnosed with cancer was, “You are completely on your own!”  It was very good advice and taught me to question, question again, and then keep questioning.  Nobody ever cares about your treatment more than you do.
That being said, our neighbor Wayne who has a couple of medical PhD’s to his credit has offered his time and talents to help troll the internet looking for scientific studies/clinical trials that might help us.  Help comes from the most unusual places if you’re open to it.  Enjoy the weekend!  Love you all.

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