Friday, April 14, 2017

Back to the chemo

This was a chemotherapy week for us, so we’ve been laying low.  Johnny’s been watching his Indians (very disappointed during the last two series) and resting.  After his initial infusion at the Zangmeister Center he’s attached to an infusion pump or as we call it the “take home party pack.”  The pump is programmed to infuse the chemo drug 5-FU slowly over the next 48 hours.  For all he’s gone through and continues to go through we are nothing but grateful, he’s doing really well.

As for me, once again my liver enzymes were elevated.  No change from the last time, but still elevated.  No known cause, so I’ll have more testing at the end of May.  My Oncologist does not believe that it is cancer related at this time, but she’s also the one doctor who told me I wouldn’t go bald from the chemo drugs…so I’m cautiously optimistic.  I’m also going to be doing a round of hyperbaric oxygen to support my immune system.

We’re enjoying this beautiful weather and getting the garden ready.  Happy Easter to all.

The chemo take home party pack

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