Friday, April 7, 2017

A new kind of brewing (to us)

Since we’ve given up drinking alcohol but still love to ferment we’ve turned our attention to Kombucha.  In reading about it I found that some ancient Chinese referred to it as “the tea of immortality,” so, who knows.  I hope it means health and vitality to the people who drink it.  But it could also be referring to the scoby (short for symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast) or mother needed to start the fermentation process.  Once you get a good scoby growing apparently they take on a life of their own.

But anyway, kombucha is a sweet fermented tea that reproduces itself.  Thought to have originated in China, others believe it has its origins in the tea meccas of Japan or India.  It’s been given credit for saving the life of Nobel Prize winner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s life and more recently, the Russians who lived through the Chernobyl catastrophy in the late 80’s.  Many AIDS and cancer survivors drink it. So we’re giving it a try and really enjoying it..

After we looked around and couldn’t find someone to get a scoby from we started one from scratch.  Now that we have our scoby growing I found a kombucha exchange at where scoby is available for just the shipping costs.  Oh well, rookie mistake.  We’re having fun with it and will provide progress reports.

Our chemo holiday ends next week so keep us in your prayers.   Happy Weekend!

Kombucha quietly brewing

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