Nothing like a short week
Since Monday was the Fourth of July, a short work week. Who can complain about that? Once the work week did start, the former boyfriend had two days of doctors appointments. Both were uneventful, the best kind of doctor visits. Tuesday morning was with the integrative specialist, who did an adjustment in one of the supplements Johnny is taking. Of course he also wanted some blood tests. The next appointment was Wednesday, a follow up with the surgeon who operated back in December. The best part is both were quite happy with how he's doing.
But this coming week, it's back to reality. Another round of chemo. We'll see how happy the oncologist is. He's usually pretty upbeat though. And he'll have more news at the appointment following this next one, as they'll be doing a scan on Johnny.
And i got to finish the work week with a visit to Lee and Jennifer's farm, where we get some of the loveliest produce you ever want to see. A great supplement to what our own garden turns out. So far, we've been going through it all.
calf grazing at the farm |
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