Friday, August 7, 2015

Looking for healthy food at a festival

It’s Photo Friday and we’re finally having some beautiful weather.  We’re off to the St. James Lutheran Brat Festival this evening with a few of our neighbors.  We’ve done this for several years – it’s a massive gathering filled with great food, baseball and a polka band.

The Former Boyfriend and I both saw Dr. Kanodia this week.  Johnny is changing up some supplementation along with restricting carbs, maybe even adding a little more exercise.  And I am doing several diagnostic tests or as I like to refer to them, “Dr. Kanodia science projects.”  It’s been about six months so these tests are just a follow up to monitor my treatment plan.
looks like fun, eh?

I’m trying to naturally lower my estrogen levels.  Most doctors want to use aromatase inhibitors (with horrible side effects) to eliminate all estrogen from the body to prevent a recurrence from happening, but the reality of cancer is so much more complex than just eliminating estrogen.  There are three known estrogens, the first two are associated with breast cancer and estriol the third type of estrogen is actually healthy and has anti-aging and anti-cancer properties.  So the goal in mind is lower the first two and raise the third.  My plan includes strategic exercise, cruciferous vegetables, fiber, supplements and avoiding unhealthy hormone disruptors such as household cleaning products, most “beauty” products, pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals.

Estrogen is produced in the ovaries, but it is also produced in the adrenal glands and in fat cells.  This becomes a very good reason to keep my metabolism high and my weight down.  The hormone story is so complex, the best researchers in the world don’t have it down yet and so primary care doctors don’t either.  And that’s another reason why they don’t delve into the conversation in more detail.

So as long as my estrogen levels remain optimum and I continue to have no evidence of disease I’ll keep taking the natural way to cancer treatment and healing my body.

And I came across this item recently – if you know someone who is currently undergoing chemotherapy for cancer treatment have them play a computer came called remission .  It’s a free game from HopeLab.  I don’t understand the psychology behind it, and I’m not a gamer but playing the game helps cancer patients avoid missing chemotherapy treatments.  The company is producing amazing stats in the fight against cancer.  Anything free and without side effects is worth a try. You can learn more at

And finally, Gina is doing great and Brian is home and recouperating.  Thanks for your continued prayers.  We feel every one of them.

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