Friday, October 4, 2013

Chicago Adventure

We’re off to Chicago for Sunday mornings appointment at the CDH Proton Center. Yes a Sunday morning doctors appointment. Since they’re going to be doing some maintenance over the Columbus Day weekend, they’re working some weekend hours this weekend to stay caught up. And it works for us. As explained earlier this form of treatment is designed to target only the tissue you’d want to target, rather than subjecting surrounding tissues and organs to blasts of radiation. It’s been approved by the FDA since 1988 but they’re still doing clinical trials.

So now Jeannie’s getting a bit nervous. Anxious might be the better word. What if they don’t want her? What if what they have to say isn’t what we want to hear? Who’s really said anything we’ve wanted to hear lately? So any prayers and thoughts and wishes are appreciated. And the same goes for Uncle Denny, who broke his arm this week. When they offered colors for the cast he chose John Deere green, an appropriate color for him as anyone who knows him would agree. He broke it in a most manly fashion, trying out a new tool. And in true manly form he waited a day or two to see if it felt any better. Here’s a picture of him modeling the cast with his big ol’ Uncle Denny grin. (this is also a great way to get the word out to any family members who hadn’t heard the news, ya get the news and a reassuring photo that he’s doing great)

Since it will be late Sunday before we return from Chicago don’t look for any update until late Monday at best. You know how quickly we get updates posted. (yeah, that's a joke, I say a joke)

1 comment:

  1. hope you guys have a good and safe trip. We hope they pick Jeanie too.( We actually thought it was a done deal ). Will wait to read the blog Monday nite. P&D
    sorry to hear about Uncle Denny.
